Thursday, September 16, 2010

Scars(......) Rebellious.

My second life has always been a roller coaster ride after I came to Bangalore.I became so busy with my life doing all the bogus chores of every day life. Weekend has been more crazier and happening then before.Does life mean breathing in and out doing the same mundane things every day. I realised it one day while I was doing self assesment about my life all alone.Suddenly there was a sudden sporadic avalanche inside me and then I realised that my heart and soul was not in sync at all. I felt a sudden pain rather pain transforming into remorse.I felt that my life has hit all time low in practical sense and those busy days and wild spree during weekends were sham and it vanished rather evaporated in a fraction of seconds.I was trying to escape from everything whatever had happend in my life then I was left with real me who thinks,one who follows his instinct.

I realised quite a couple of things which is common for everyone and all.
In everyone's life a time comes when they become super honest ready to do anything. This is the phase which can be termed as"falling in love" and transformation(love makes you better,not merely falling,it can be rising/awakening as well).The most beautiful and annoying word for me is "HOPE" and I feel that most of the person would agree with this word. I can cite so many examples around me but at the same time hope is like an illusion if we donot work on it honestly.I use this word "honesty" because it kills in this 21st century but it also forms a scar or mark on us. I beg to disagree with this word honesty though..It does kill us many a times and most of my comrades must have experienced it in day today life. It kills rather compell you to die every breathe you take. I feel I am the victim of honesty and you people are no exception. But mind you, honesty is still the best policy but a word of caution here.Honesty might kill you if you are not too strong hearted or not jilted,heart broken or a failure . I understand this word very well as I have spent so many nights dreaming about illusionary hope so much so that tomorrow I have to go and see a doctor(seriously)..It needs a lot of practice to rely on hope..Hope is nothing but an illusion.So friends lets just not hope,lets never leave things on hope as it might give you virgin scars which can never be cured and we all people are the victim of this bloody hope..Had I not hoped I could never have written about my experiences. Moreover one of my friend fell in love with a gal just in hope that she would reciprocate but she is the epitome of hope and my friend is still blind in hope...I suffered heart attack (my term for heart break)..For all of you even Heart break is a kind of heart attack but I am out of it..But many people make it a habbit. They cant see beyond their "hope lover"..I honestly(which shud not be used as honesty kills and it has killed me so many times....trying to kill me again as I am in "hopelove"..LOLZ) have a symapthy for them as I was one among the hope lovers..Time changes,people changes and so am I radically changed but we are not able to make it who thy is victim?

So in this world of nano technology lets devote time in nano way..I dont say you all to forget your hope love and past..Seek positive prints out of them.Dont soak yourself into negativity..I was also the same guy like you all till last night then one of my teacher came to rescue me and I do respect her a lot..Finally life of yours can be customised as per your desire. You either learn and move on with it or you soak yourself into pain.
Finally life is synonymous to being rebellious not just to see those scars and make it more miserable.One life we have and so many dreams to follow.So do you people think that we should lead our life on this illusory bloody hope..Shall we not move on,move on for good...Shall we not become rebellious or do you people think that we should scratch our scars everytime and make it pristine..We people scratch it though and I am no exception. This is what I was doing for the past two years. I was weak and I was not so strong to bear it all directly but still I am making efforts not just hoping to make an illusory note...Dreams while asleep is good but dreams with wide eyes open is the best..I must say.


  1. "So in this world of nano technology lets devote time in nano way..I dont say you all to forget your hope love and past..Seek positive prints out of them." - Simply put in a way beyond excellence fashion.
    "Dreams while asleep is good but dreams with wide eyes open is the best.." - again a remarkable gloss.
    serious admiration for this post :-)
    keep writing :-)

  2. Anshu@I am feeling better..much better I must admit..It was couple of months since I gave up writing..albeit I tried but I failed miserably.Writing is the best medicine for me. I feel liberated. thanks for your encouragement.

    Adri@ Thankyou so much sweetie. You will read my post quite frequently,I must assure you.

  3. I must say this is a post from a metamorphosed mature personality. I completely agree with you my friend.

  4. I see in ur words that you are a man worth much more that what you think of you.
    Your thoughts are free and the go very deep,I'm impressed bro.

  5. Rahul@ Thanks bro..Just trying to shed that image.

  6. @Anonymous..Well Its just a phase of life. everybody has to go through it.
